What is Pbench?

Pbench is a harness that allows data collection from a variety of tools while running a benchmark. Pbench has some built-in scripts that run some common benchmarks, but the data collection can be run separately as well with a benchmark that is not built-in to Pbench, or a Pbench script can be written for the benchmark. Such contributions are more than welcome!

TL;DR - How to set up Pbench and run a benchmark

Prerequisite: Somebody has already done the server setup.

The following steps assume that only a single node participates in the benchmark run. If you want a multi-node setup, you have to read up on the --remote options of various commands (in particular, pbench-register-tool-set):

  • Customize the agent for your server environment. This will vary from installation to installation, but it fundamentally involves copying two files that should be made available to you somehow by an admin type: an ssh private key file to allow the client(s) to send results to the server and a configuration file that should be installed in "/opt/pbench-agent/config/pbench-agent.cfg" . There is an example configuration file in that location, but you need the "real" one for your environment. Among other things, the config file specifies the IP or hostname of the server.
  • Run your benchmark with a default set of tools:

    . /etc/profile.d/pbench-agent.sh         # or log out and log back in
    pbench-user-benchmark -C test1 -- ./your_cmd.sh

  • Visit the Results URL in your browser to see the results: the URL depends on the server hostname or IP"; assuming that the server is "pbench.example.com" and assuming you ran the above on a host named "myhost", the results will be found at (N.B.: this is a fake link serving as an example only - talk to your local administrator to find out what server to use to get to Pbench results): http://pbench.example.com/results/myhost/pbench-user-benchmark_test1_yyyy-mm-dd_HH:MM:SS.
  • For explanations and details, see subsequent sections.

    How to install

    See the install section for details.


    The benchmark scripts source the base script (/opt/pbench-agent/base) which sets a bunch of defaults:

    date=`date "+%F_%H:%M:%S"`
    hostname=`hostname -s`
    ssh_opts='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

    These are now specified in the config file /opt/pbench-agent/config/pbench-agent.cfg.

    Available tools

    The configured default set of tools (what you would get by running pbench-register-tool-set) is:

    • sar, iostat, mpstat, pidstat, proc-vmstat, proc-interrupts, perf

    In addition, there are tools that can be added to the default set with pbench-register-tool:

    • blktrace, cpuacct, dm-cache, docker, kvmstat, kvmtrace, lockstat, numastat, perf, porc-sched_debug, proc-vmstat, qemu-migrate, rabbit, strace, sysfs, systemtap, tcpdump, turbostat, virsh-migrate, vmstat

    There is a default group of tools (that's what pbench-register-tool-set uses), but tools can be registered in other groups using the --group option of pbench-register-tool. The group can then be started and stopped using pbench-start-tools and pbench-stop-tools using their --group option.

    Additional tools can be registered:

    pbench-register-tool --name blktrace

    or unregistered (e.g. some people prefer to run without perf):

    pbench-unregister-tool --name perf

    Note that perf is run in a "low overhead" mode with options "record -a –freq=100", but if you want to run it differently, you can always unregister it and register it again with different options:

    pbench-unregister-tool --name=perf
    pbench-register-tool --name=perf -- --record-opts="record -a --freq=200"

    Tools can be also be registered, started, and stopped on remote hosts (see the --remote option described in "What does --remote do?" in FAQ section).

    Available benchmark scripts

    Pbench provides a set of pre-packaged scripts to run some common benchmarks using the collection tools and other facilities that pbench provides. These are found in the bench-scripts directory of the Pbench installation (/opt/pbench-agent/bench-scripts by default). The current set includes:

    You can run any of these with the --help option to get basic information about how to run the script. Most of these scripts accept a standard set of generic options, some semi-generic ones that are common to a bunch of benchmarks, as well as some benchmark specific options that vary from benchmark to benchmark.

    The generic options are:

    show the set of options that the benchmark accepts.

    the name of the testing configuration (user specified).

    the name of the tool group specifying the tools to run during execution of the benchmark.

    just install the benchmark (and any other needed packages) - do not run the benchmark.

    The semi-generic ones are:

    the test types for the given benchmark - the values are benchmark-specific and can be obtained using --help.

    maximum runtime in seconds.

    list of hostnames (or IPs) of systems that run the client (drive the test).

    the number of samples per iteration.

    the percent maximum standard deviation allowed in order to consider the iteration to pass.

    the maximum number of failures to achieve the allowed standard deviation.





    Benchmark-specific options are called out in the following sections for each benchmark.

    Note that in some of these scripts the default tool group is hard-wired: if you want them to run a different tool group, you need to edit the script.


    Iterations are the cartesian product targets X test-types X block-sizes. More information on many of the following can be obtained from the fio man page.

    O_DIRECT enabled or not (1/0) - default is 1.

    O_SYNC enabled or not (1/0) - default is 0.

    IOP rate not to be exceeded (per job, per client)

    seconds - time to warm up test before measurement.

    list of block sizes - default is 4, 64, 1024.

    fio will create files of this size during the job run.

    file locations (list of directory/block device).

    serial/concurrent - default is concurrent.

    any IO engine that fio supports (see the fio man page) - default is psync.

    number of I/O units to keep in flight against the file.

    file containing list of clients, one per line.

    number of clones (processes/threads performing the same workload) of this job - default is 1.

    if you need to go beyond the recognized options, you can use a fio job file.
















    Utility Scripts

    This section is needed as preparation for the Second steps section below.

    Pbench uses a bunch of utility scripts to do common operations. There is a common set of options for some of these: --name to specify a tool, --group to specify a tool group, --with-options to list or pass options to a tool, --remote to operate on a remote host (see entries in the FAQ section for more details on these options).

    The first set is for registering and unregistering tools and getting some information about them:

    list the tools in the default group or in the specified group; with the –name option, list the groups that the named tool is in. TBD: how do you list all available tools whether in a group or not?

    call pbench-register-tool on each tool in the default list.

    add a tool to a tool group (possibly remotely).

    OBSOLETE (see below) pbench-unregister-tool
    remove a tool from a tool group (possibly remotely).

    remove a tool or all tools from a specified tool group (including remotely). Used with a --name option, it replaces pbench-unregister-tool.

    The second set is for controlling the running of tools – pbench-start-tools and pbench-stop-tools, as well as pbench-postprocess-tools below, take --group, --dir and --iteration options: which group of tools to start/stop/postprocess, which directory to use to stash results and a label to apply to this set of results. pbench-kill-tools is used to make sure that all running tools are stopped: having a bunch of tools from earlier runs still running has been known to happen and is the cause of many problems (slowdowns in particular):

    start a group of tools, stashing the results in the directory specified by --dir.

    stop a group of tools

    make sure that no tools are running to pollute the environment.

    The third set is for handling the results and doing cleanup:

    run all the relevant postprocessing scripts on the tool output - this step also gathers up tool output from remote hosts to the local host in preparation for copying it to the results repository.

    start with a clean slate.

    copy results to the results repo.

    move the results to the results repo and delete them from the local host.

    change the directory structure of the results (see the Accessing results on the web section below for details).

    clean up the pbench run directory - after this step, you will need to register any tools again.

    pbench-register-tool-set, pbench-register-tool and pbench-unregister-tool can also take a --remote option (see What does --remote do?) in FAQ section in order to allow the starting/stopping of tools and the postprocessing of results on multiple remote hosts.

    There is a set of miscellaneous tools for doing various and sundry things - although the name of the script indicates its purpose, if you want more information on these, you will have to read the code:

  • pbench-log-timestamp
  • These are used by various pieces of Pbench. There is also a contrib directory that contains completely unsupported tools that various people have found useful.

    Second Steps

    WARNING: It is highly recommended that you use one of the pbench-<benchmark> scripts for running your benchmark. If one does not exist already, you might be able to use the pbench-user-benchmark script to run your own script. The advantage is that these scripts already embody some conventions that Pbench and associated tools depend on, e.g. using a timestamp in the name of the results directory to make the name unique. If you cannot use pbench-user-benchmark and a pbench-<benchmark> script does not exist already, consider writing one or helping us write one. The more we can encapsulate all these details into generally useful tools, the easier it will be for everybody: people running it will not need to worry about all these details and people maintaining the system will not have to fix stuff because the script broke some assumptions. The easiest way to do so is to crib an existing pbench-<benchmark> script, e.g pbench-fio.

    Once collection tools have been registered, the work flow of a benchmark script is as follows:

  • Process options (see Benchmark scripts options).
  • Check that the necessary prerequisites are installed and if not, install them.
  • Iterate over some set of benchmark characteristics (e.g. pbench-fio iterates over a couple test types: read, randread and a bunch of block sizes), with each iteration doing the following:
    • create a benchmark_results directory
    • start the collection tools
    • run the benchmark
    • stop the collection tools
    • postprocess the collection tools data

    The tools are started with an invocation of pbench-start-tools like this:

    pbench-start-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir

    where the group is usually "default" but can be changed to taste as described above, iteration is a benchmark-specific tag that disambiguates the separate iterations in a run (e.g. for pbench-fio it is a combination of a count, the test type, the block size and a device name), and the benchmark_tools_dir specifies where the collection results are going to end up (see the section for much more detail on this).

    The stop invocation is parallel, as is the postprocessing invocation:

    pbench-stop-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir
    pbench-postprocess-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir

    Benchmark scripts options

    Generally speaking, benchmark scripts do not take any pbench-specific options except --config (see What does --config do? in FAQ section). Other options tend to be benchmark-specific.

    Collection tools options

    --help can be used to trigger the usage message on all of the tools (even though it's an invalid option for many of them). Here is a list of gotcha's:

  • blktrace: you need to pass --devices=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb when you register the tool:
  • pbench-register-tool --name=blktrace [--remote=foo] -- --devices=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb

    There is no default and leaving it empty causes errors in postprocessing (this should be flagged).

    Utility script options

    Note that pbench-move-results, pbench-copy-results and pbench-clear-results always assume that the run directory is the default /var/lib/pbench-agent.

    pbench-move-results and pbench-copy-results now (starting with Pbench version 0.31-108gf016ed6) take a --prefix option. This is explained in the Accessing results on the web section below.

    Note also that pbench-start/stop/postprocess-tools must be called with exactly the same arguments. The built-in benchmark scripts do that already, but if you go your own way, make sure to follow this dictum.

    specify the run directory for all the collections tools. This argument must be used by pbench-start/stop/postprocess-tools, so that all the results files are in known places:

    pbench-start-tools --dir=/var/lib/pbench-agent/foo
    pbench-stop-tools --dir=/var/lib/pbench-agent/foo
    pbench-postprocess-tools --dir=/var/lib/pbench-agent/foo

    specify a remote host on which a collection tool (or set of collection tools) is to be registered:

    pbench-register-tool --name=< tool> --remote=< host>

    Running Pbench collection tools with an arbitrary benchmark

    If you want to take advantage of Pbench's data collection and other goodies, but your benchmark is not part of the set above (see Available benchmark scripts), or you want to run it differently so that the pre-packaged script does not work for you, that's no problem (but, if possible, heed the WARNING above). The various Pbench phases can be run separately and you can fit your benchmark into the appropriate slot:


    pbench-register-tool-set --group=$group
    pbench-start-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir
    <run your benchmark>
    pbench-stop-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir
    pbench-postprocess-tools --group=$group --iteration=$iteration --dir=$benchmark_tools_dir

    Often, multiple experiments (or "iterations") are run as part of a single run. The modified flow then looks like this:

    experiments="exp1 exp2 exp3"

    pbench-register-tool-set --group=$group
    for exp in $experiments ;do
         pbench-start-tools --group=$group --iteration=$exp
         <run the experiment>
         pbench-stop-tools --group=$group --iteration=$exp
         pbench-postprocess-tools --group=$group --iteration=$exp

    Alternatively, you may be able to use the pbench-user-benchmark script as follows:

    pbench-user-benchmark --config="specjbb2005-4-JVMs" -- my_benchmark.sh

    which is going to run my_benchmark.sh in the <run your benchmark> slot above. Iterations and such are your responsibility.
    pbench-user-benchmark can also be used for a somewhat more specialized scenario: sometimes you just want to run the collection tools for a short time while your benchmark is running to get an idea of how the system looks. The idea here is to use pbench-user-benchmark to run a sleep of the appropriate duration in parallel with your benchmark:

    pbench-user-benchmark --config="specjbb2005-4-JVMs" -- sleep 10

    will start data collection, sleep for 10 seconds, then stop data collection and gather up the results. The config argument is a tag to distinguish this data collection from any other: you will probably want to make sure it's unique.
    This works well for one-off scenarios, but for repeated usage on well defined phase changes you might want to investigate Triggers.

    Remote hosts

    Multihost benchmarks

    Usually, a multihost benchmark is run using a host that acts as the "controller" of the run. There is a set of hosts on which data collection is to be performed while the benchmark is running. The controller may or may not be itself part of that set. In what follows, we assume that the controller has password-less ssh access to the relevant hosts.

    The recommended way to run your workload is to use the generic pbench-user-benchmark script. The workflow in that case is:

  • Register the collection tools on each host in the set:
  • for host in $hosts ;do
        pbench-register-tool-set --remote=$host

  • Invoke pbench-user-benchmark with your workload generator as argument: that will start the collection tools on all the hosts and then run your workload generator; when that finishes, it will stop the collection tools on all the hosts and then run the postprocessing phase which will gather the data from all the remote hosts and run the postprocessing tools on everything.
  • Run pbench-copy-results or pbench-move-results to upload the data to the results server.
  • If you cannot use the pbench-user-benchmark script, then the process becomes more manual. The workflow is:

  • Register the collection tools on each host as above.
  • Invoke pbench-start-tools on the controller: that will start data collection on all of the remote hosts.
  • Run the workload generator.
  • Invoke pbench-stop-tools on the controller: that will stop data collection on all of the remote hosts.
  • Invoke pbench-postprocess-tools on the controller: that will gather all the data from the remotes and run the postprocessing tools on all the data.
  • Run pbench-copy-results or pbench-move-results to upload the data to the results server.
  • Customizing

    Some characteristics of Pbench are specified in config files and can be customized by adding your own config file to override the default settings. TBD

    Results handling

    Accessing results on the web

    This section describes how to get to your results using a web browser. It describes how pbench-move-results moves the results from your local controller to a centralized location and what happens there. It also describes the --prefix option to pbench-move-results (and pbench-copy-results) and a utility script, pbench-edit-prefix, that allows you to change how the results are viewed.

    Where to go to see results

    Where pbench-move/copy-results copies the results is site-dependent. Check with the admin who set up the Pbench server and provided you with the configuration file for the pbench-agent installation.

    Advanced topics


    Triggers are groups of tools that are started and stopped on specific events. They are registered with pbench-register-tool-trigger using the --start-trigger and --stop-trigger options. The output of the benchmark is piped into the pbench-tool-trigger tool which detects the conditions for starting and stopping the specified group of tools.

    There are some commands specifically for triggers:

            register start and stop triggers for a tool group.

            list triggers and their start/stop criteria.

            this is a Perl script that looks for the start-trigger and end-trigger markers in the benchmark's output, starting and stopping the appropriate group of tools when it finds the corresponding marker.